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South University, Online Programs

Amy Scroggin, MMSc, CAA, Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE)

The Department of Anesthesia Science in the South University College of Health Professions is pleased to announce that Amy Scroggin, MMSc, CAA, has completed...

Exciting News – South University Press Release

Please see the attached Press Release for an important announcement about South University.   South University’s roots were as a private, independent institution and Education...

Dr. Desiree Bonnet Named Department Chair for Graduate Nursing

Dr. Desiree Bonnet, DNP, APRN, FNP-C was recently appointed as Department Chair for Graduate Nursing. She started her career in healthcare at the age of 16...

South University Faculty Awards

South University recently had its latest annual National Faculty Meeting where several members of the faculty received awards for their hard work. Enjoy reading...

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

Shaping Resilient Stingrays Many adult learners are faced with pressures, struggles and unique challenges as they navigate their educational pathway, and both research and experience...

*Updated 1/31/2023* South University Launches the SACSCOC QEP Project

As part of South University’s reaffirmation and accreditation by the Southern Associate for Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) the Quality Enhancement Plan...

Dr. Rash Featured in Journal of Radiology Nursing

South University would like to congratulate Dr. Wendy Rash’s recent publication in the Journal of Radiology Nursing (Publication link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1fqvc5VYVEpa1k).  Dr. Rash is a...

Dr. Hoilman Named Senior Clinical Director

Dr. Jennifer Hoilman joined South University in January as the Senior Clinical Director to lead the Nursing Clinical Team. She brings more than a...

Jennifer Rothwell Named Veteran of the Year

South University is excited to congratulate Jennifer Rothwell, IP Manager for South University who was recently awarded the Veteran of the Year by VFW...