Dr. Charlotte Redden Hamilton Named Chairperson of the South University Council for Diversity and...
Together, as a community, South University is united in our mission to reinforce and strengthen our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusivity. A vital...
Ajay Singh, PhD, appointed Assistant Dean of Admissions for School of Pharmacy
We are excited to announce the appointment of Ajay Singh, PhD, as Assistant Dean of Admissions for South University’s School of Pharmacy. Dr. Singh...
Dean Arneson appointed Dean of School of Pharmacy
South University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dean Arneson as the new Dean of the South University School of Pharmacy. Dr. Arneson...
School of Pharmacy Sets Career Fair Dates
The South University School of Pharmacy has set the dates for its 2018 Career Fair.
The opportunity to meet and network with employers is considered...
Dr. Stephanie Bishop’s publication in Nature Partner Journal
Congratulations to Stephanie Bishop, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the School of Pharmacy, for her contributions to the manuscript entitled “BCL9/STAT3 regulation of transcriptional enhancer...
School of Pharmacy Students Attend State Conference
Six South University, Columbia Doctor of Pharmacy students recently attended a statewide conference.
The students took part in the annual South Carolina Society of Health-System...
Dr. William Wynn named South Carolina Pharmacist of the year
South University is pleased to congratulate Dr. William Wynn, adjunct professor of Pharmacy Practice at the Columbia campus, on recently being named South Carolina...
Dr. Michalakis Savva receives prestigious Distinguished Scholar Award
South University is proud to celebrate our own School of Pharmacy faculty member Dr. Michalakis Savva, the recipient of the prestigious European Journal of...
Dr. Maha Coucha’s publication in Vascular Pharmacology Journal
Congratulations to Maha Coucha, B.Pharm, Ph.D., Professor in the South University School of Pharmacy, for her contributions to the research article entitled, “Increased Ephrin-B2...
Savannah Campus Helps to Tell Every Amazing Lady About Ovarian Cancer
The Kappa Psi Delta Omega Chapter at South University, Savannah campus recently sponsored the Tell Every Amazing Lady About Ovarian Cancer (TEAL) Walk Foundation’s ...