A Message from the Chancellor to the South University Community


A Message from the Chancellor

To South University students, faculty and staff,

As we see the struggle across our country, it weighs on me that many within our communities are not okay. What makes our South University community stand apart from others, is that together we aspire for students and employees to feel that our university is a place where one can “believe, belong and become” and grow, without prejudice.

Within the first few words of the South University mission statement, we describe the University community as “diverse”. While this distinction comes easily to us with the natural make up of our student body, we acknowledge that there is still more work necessary to unite us, as one community.

As our mission begins, “South University is an academic institution dedicated to providing educational opportunities for the intellectual, social, and professional development of a diverse student population…” it is my aspiration that we will continue to improve against this missional mandate as we continue to evolve as an institution.

We will ensure that we are equipping students, faculty, and staff with the tools needed to effectively progress and support this pivotal time in our society. We will work to reexamine the resources needed to foster an institutional culture that is reflective of our mission and value each one within our community.

In his 1963 “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. acknowledged the “interrelatedness of all communities and states,” noting that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.” Let us turn our anger into action, demanding justice where there is injustice, peace where there is violence, and love where there is hate. Let the suffocation of this moment be the impetus for change.”

Together, let us join our voices and our actions to seize this moment to stop the prejudice and discrimination of what makes us different and aspire to celebrate what makes each of us unique.

Thank you,


Steven K. Yoho, PhD


South University